
Architecture / Computer programming / Digital fabrication

Some ideas, notes, coding exercises, drawings, etcetera…


  • Station Earth Sketch

    Sketches 1

  • Lost And Found Stranded Beest Simulation

    Simulation of a Stranded Beest by Theo Jansen made in Rhino3D with Grasshopper and Kangaroo physics

  • Rhino Python Branch Growth Visualization

    Growth 2D pattern driven by random direction choices and a simple collision detector that includes other branches and a perimeter.

    The tree shown here represents one population member in gene pool that will try to set the correct amount of light needed in a room. Each black dot will be drilled on a composite aluminum panel through which light will travel.

  • Rhino Python Path Tracing Animation And Script

    Frame by frame screenshot capture for Rhino3D Python script

    This is a concept test for creating a frame by frame animation using Rhino and Python. It’s definitely not the fastest way to create an animation but it may be a useful tool to visualize evolving data through time and have a better understanding of some optimization algorithms strategies within a script.

  • Hexagonal Cloth Chair

    Hexagonal semi-rigid cloth

    HEX 2.0 is a concept chair design I’ve been working for a few years now. I first thought about it with Marina Peniche at 2008, a few years later I built it with some modifications. It looked good but it wasn’t comfortable. This is my third attempt into finding the right amount of hexagons with the exact amount of tension.

  • Bridge Form Finding With Genetic Algorithms

    Basic strength and simple fitness evolutionary algorithm

    The goal is to create a bridge like model that suffices these parameters in the most optimal way:

    • Create a link between two separate planes.
    • Reduce the amount of material used.
    • Increase the strength of the link.

  • Retro Mosaic Script

    Script de reconocimiento entre similitudes de dos imágenes

    Esta script lo escribí como parte de un trabajo que requería del reconocimiento de areas pobladas en imágenes satelitales para la recopilación de datos estadísticos. Decidí hacer el experimento con fotos normales y mosaicos retro en vez de los patrones urbanos a distinguir en el proyecto principal. Seguiré experimentando con este script a manera de filtro pues me pareció interesante el resultado.

  • Additive 3d Machine Concept

    Concept machine derived from a startup creative session

    This was a design exercise at the beginning of the incubation period of SPK. The project was abandoned because it didn’t offer many advantages over a conventional 3 axis printer, never the less, I’d love to see it working sometime. In the meantime I think its worth sharing.

  • Relaxing Meshes Concept Roof

    Roofing concept utilizing relaxing meshes to force reverse catenary curves

    This is a concept of a lightweight roof to explain how complex structural designs can be achieved with simple compression and tension structural rules.

  • Stand Plegable Amalias

    Propuesta de stand en CNC para exhibición temporal

    Stand de fácil armado y desarmado para exposición de productos cerveceros.

  • Lampara Cnc Amd 2015

    Diseño de lampara por estereotomía para corte en CNC

    Esta lampara se realizó en el marco del Abierto Mexicano de Diseño 2015 como muestra para incentivar el uso de maquinaria CNC en la producción de mobiliario utilitario.

  • Escalera Plegable

    Propuesta de escalera plegable tipo ático

    El concepto se realizo como parte de un proyecto de rehabilitación para el interior de un comedor comunitario. El acceso al tapanco se solucionó de otra manera y no se llegó a manufacturar la escalera (ni probar el concepto aún), me pareció un buena idea publicarlo aquí al igual que los archivos que se generaron.

  • Concepto Refugio Migrantes

    Concurso para refugio de migrantes Ciudad de México zona norte

    Lámina conceptual para estación de refugio temporal en beneficio de personas en transito. Concurso presentado en colaboración.

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